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A Food Policy Package for Healthy Diets and the Prevention of Obesity and Diet-Related Non-Communicable Diseases: The NOURISHING Framework

This paper presents the NOURISHING framework of food policies to promote healthy diets and uses the framework to summarize the policy actions taken by countries who attended a June 2013 meeting in Bellagio, Italy on the progress of obesity prevention efforts in low and middle income countries. According to the framework, the best way to combat unhealthy diets is with a comprehensive approach in which policymakers can select from a suite of policies and tailor them to specific situations. In addition, because food environments influence dietary behaviors and choices about which foods to eat, it is important to change policies related to food environments. Finally, the paper uses the framework to describe how the countries who attended the Bellagio meeting are implementing NOURISHING policy actions. This is one of the few articles that deals with food labelling and private sector issues.

Hawkes, C., J. Jewell, and K. Allen. "A Food Policy Package for Healthy Diets and the Prevention of Obesity and Diet-related Non-communicable Diseases: The NOURISHING Framework." Obesity Reviews 14, no. S2 (2013): 159-68.