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Food Security and Nutrition Outcomes of Farmer Field Schools in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo

This article details an analysis of the Jenga Jamaa II project, which aimed to improve household food security and child nutritional status in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo using various intervention strategies, including farmer field school (FFS) programs. Although FFS participants diversified their agricultural production strategies and experienced improvements in household food security, there was not a positive impact on child nutritional status. In this food-insecure context, improvements in agricultural production alone are unlikely to significantly change child nutritional status—a health outcome with a complex, multilevel causal chain.

Doocy, S., Cohen, S., Emerson, J., Menakuntuala, J., Rocha, J.S ., the Jenga Jamaa II Study Team. Global Health: Science and Practice (December 2017) Vol. 5 No. 4, pp. 630-643.