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Knowledge, Practice, and Coverage Survey (KPC 2000+ Field Guide)

Date of Design
CORE Group
Contact Institution
Pathway Component
Caring Capacity & Practices
Health Care


Brief Description: The Knowledge, Practice, and Coverage (KPC) survey is a standardized survey instrument utilized to capture a series of health indicators. It is a management tool that yields a set of indicators used to monitor and estimate the results of program activities. The KPC survey can be used at the any point in a project cycle. A comprehensive KPC survey training guide is also available.

Uses: The KPC is a tool used to monitor and estimate the results of program activities. It can also be used to:

  • Build consensus with local partners and develop local capacity to gather information, analyze this information and use it for decision making.
  • Promote local participation in identifying health priorities and monitoring community health status.

Tool Components: The Field Guide provides a comprehensive overview of the KPC process including:

  1. Purpose of a KPC survey and its role in project monitoring and evaluation
  2. KPC2000+ tools
  3. Phases of the KPC process
  4. Useful research materials produced by other agencies and organizations


Number of Staff Required: To conduct a KPC survey, a core team should consist of logistics specialists, supervisors and interviewers. Additionally, a post survey team will be needed and ideally will include those who were part of the core team. The number of interviewers and supervisors required to complete the survey will vary according to factors such as resources, weather conditions, and number of interviews.

Time: The estimated total duration of a KPC survey is 28 days. This includes 18 days pre-implementation, 4 to implement survey, and 6 for post-implementation activities.

Cost of Assessment: This will vary with each survey. Ensure consideration of the following: personnel to conduct training sessions, interviews, tabulation, and analysis; supplies; transportation; and dissemination.

Training: The trainer will be required to conduct three separate trainings, each focused on different members of the team: core team (five days); supervisors/interviewers (four days); and post-survey analysis team training (two days).

Geographic Targeting: The KPC survey should use random sampling within project implementation area.

Type of Data Collection: A KPC survey uses household surveys. The Field Guide also encourages gathering qualitative data to inform the design of the household questionnaire.

Degree of Technical Difficulty: The Field Guide was written for persons who will be conducting KPC surveys but have not yet had the opportunity to attend a KPC training workshop. An effort has been made to present concepts in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.  Individuals who do not have a basic understanding of survey research and program monitoring and evaluation are encouraged seek assistance from experienced individuals.

Complements other Resources: The KPC is quantitative in nature. Complementing the KPC with qualitative research might provide explanations for phenomena that were identified but not sufficiently explained by the KPC. Additionally, a KPC generally relates to results at the individual level. It would be useful to complement a KPC survey with information from the community and health-systems levels.