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Designing Effective Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Activities

This is Session Seven of seven that are included in the Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Training Resource Package.

This workshop provides guidance, recommendations, and ideas for individuals charged with training others on nutrition-sensitive agriculture. Unlike Sessions One through Six, Session Seven is a full workshop that can be conducted over 2-3 days after any of the preceding sessions, as needed. By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Explain a four-step approach for designing effective nutrition-sensitive agriculture activities
  2. Select nutrition-sensitive agricultural outcomes appropriate to the participants’ agricultural market systems development activity
  3. Analyze and prioritize potential strategies for addressing malnutrition
  4. Develop relevant practices, interventions, and indicators to include in the activity design
  5. Outline the next steps for implementation and monitoring.

Download the Session Guide and related materials below.