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Barriers and Potential Facilitators to the Implementation of Government Policies on Front-of-Pack Food Labeling and Restriction of Unhealthy Food Advertising in Thailand

Thailand is experiencing an increasing burden of obesity and diet-related non-communicable diseases. The Thai government has responded by developing a number of policies to protect and promote healthy eating. The aim of this study was to identify barriers and potential facilitators to the implementation of two new government regulations related to food advertising and front-of-pack labeling. The successful implementation of policies to create healthy food environments in Thailand will likely require attention towards improving the capacity and authority of government agencies, infrastructure to support multi-sectoral platforms, inter-organizational networks, and adequate resources.

Phulkerd, S., Sacks, G.,Vandevijvere, S., Worsleye, A., and Lawrence, M. Food Policy, August 2017, Volume 71, Pages 101-110.