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POLYGON ((92.672720981826 22.041238918541, 92.652257114638 21.324047552978, 92.303234490939 21.47548533781, 92.368553501356 20.670883287025, 92.082886183646 21.192195135986, 92.025215285208 21.701569729087, 91.834890985077 22.182935695886, 91.417087029998 22.765019029221, 90.496006300827 22.805016587815, 90.586956821661 22.392793687423, 90.272970819056 21.83636770272, 89.847467075564 22.039146023033, 89.702049595095 21.857115790285, 89.418862746135 21.966178900637, 89.031961297566 22.055708319583, 88.876311883503 22.879146429938, 88.529769728554 23.631141872649, 88.699940220091 24.233714911389, 88.084422235062 24.501657212822, 88.306372511756 24.866079413344, 88.931553989623 25.238692328385, 88.209789259803 25.768065700783, 88.56304935095 26.446525580343, 89.355094028687 26.014407253518, 89.8324809102 25.965082098895, 89.920692580122 25.269749864192, 90.872210727912 25.13260061289, 91.799595981822 25.147431748957, 92.376201613335 24.976692816665, 91.915092807994 24.130413723237, 91.467729933644 24.072639471935, 91.1589632507 23.503526923104, 91.706475050832 22.985263983649, 91.869927606171 23.624346421803, 92.146034783907 23.627498684173, 92.672720981826 22.041238918541))

Bangladesh Field Support

SPRING is supporting national efforts to improve nutrition-related health outcomes in Bangladesh. Through a series of activities, SPRING is working with local partners and the Ministry of Health to strengthen in-country capacity to reduce undernutrition. In its first three-months, the project has undertaken a rapid analysis and mapping exercise to identify the 15 focus upazilas or subdistricts in Barisal and Khulna with the greatest need.

Trends in Homestead Food Production and Nutrition Outcomes in the Feed the Future Zone of Influence, Bangladesh

Executive Summary

Photo of three mothers, standing outside, each holding her child while looking at the camera.

Bangladesh has made substantial progress in improving the health and nutrition of women and children, but absolute levels of undernutrition are still high. According to the 2014 Bangladesh Demographic Health Survey, stunting is elevated at 36 percent, and wasting stands at 14 percent.

Farmer Nutrition Schools: Multi-Sectoral Action, Durable Results

SPRING pioneered the farmer nutrition school approach in Bangladesh by innovatively combining the proven “farmer field school” and “essential nutrition actions” methods. Farmer nutrition schools enabled pregnant and lactating women and mothers with children under two to adopt improved nutrition and hygiene practices, and to improve production and consumption of diversified, micronutrient-rich foods.